Come let the church youth serve up a delicious Valentine's Banquet! There is no cost for the meal; all donations and tips will go towards the Youth Fund to support their outreach, ministry and activities. Show your support and get a fabulous meal (includes dessert)! Singles are welcome, too! Saturday, February 8th at 5pm.
Mission trip to Ecuador - it's not too late to sign up. See Bro. Parks for details.
On Wednesday night 02/12 at 6pm, we'll meet in the Fellowship Hall to make PB & J sandwiches for the Kinsman Redeemer Homeless Ministry. Come help this worthwhile cause and fellowship with others doing the same! There will be NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY.
Guest Speaker: Scott Pearl, JSTA Director of Missions
Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Adult Bible study group. A Bible Study series on the book "Respectable Sins: A 9-Session Small-Group Curriculum" by Jerry Bridges. We'll have 9 study group sessions over the next 12 weeks or so (allowing for church business meetings, etc.). The book is included (a limited number are still available). ... [Read more...]