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Valentine’s Banquet – A Night in Italy

Maple Grove Missionary Baptist Church 2800 Maple Grove Road, Dickson, TN, United States

Come let the church youth serve up a delicious Valentine's Banquet! There is no cost for the meal; all donations and tips will go towards the Youth Fund to support their outreach, ministry and activities. Show your support and get a fabulous meal (includes dessert)! Singles are welcome, too! Saturday, February 8th at 5pm.

Ecuador Mission Trip

Mission trip to Ecuador - it's not too late to sign up. See Bro. Parks for details.

Local Mission: Kinsman Redeemer PB & J

Maple Grove Missionary Baptist Church 2800 Maple Grove Road, Dickson, TN, United States

On Wednesday night 02/12 at 6pm, we'll meet in the Fellowship Hall to make PB & J sandwiches for the Kinsman Redeemer Homeless Ministry.  Come help this worthwhile cause and fellowship with others doing the same! There will be NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY.

“Respectable Sins” Series

Maple Grove Missionary Baptist Church 2800 Maple Grove Road, Dickson, TN, United States

Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Adult Bible study group. A Bible Study series on the book "Respectable Sins: A 9-Session Small-Group Curriculum" by Jerry Bridges. We'll have 9 study group sessions over the next 12 weeks or so (allowing for church business meetings, etc.). The book is included (a limited number are still available). ... [Read more...]