“Status Report”

We are halfway through 2023. Can you believe it? When we started our journey through this year, our goal was to focus on the Kingdom of God – Kingdom Living, Kingdom Knowledge, and Kingdom Belief.

I pray that these coordinated studies have heled you to increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10), and that you are being filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (Colossians 1:9).  But remember, the call of Jesus is to walk in righteousness. That means to live in a way that is consistent with our membership in the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   

We know that spiritual growth cannot occur apart form growing knowledge and understanding, but it also takes something that Jesus has been challenging us with through the Sermon on the Mount – the right spirit.  He calls on us to live like a wretched beggar with respect to Spiritual matters, looking only to Him for any sustenance.  That can be so hard to do. 

I pray each and every one has taken a good, long look at their hearts, and made sure that the righteousness each one is relying on is the righteousness of Christ.  And He’s not finished yet.  God has great things in store for you.   Be like the apostles – available and obedient – and God will use you in mighty ways.

Bro. Parks

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