We start every service with prayer. Most of us start and end our days with prayer. On Wednesday nights at 6 P.M., we have a special time of praise and prayer set aside where we share our praises for God and what He’s done in our lives. We enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise, as Psalm 100:4 tells us. It’s a special time. And after our praises, we lift up our prayer requests to the Lord. We pray for ourselves, each other, folks in the community, our leaders – anything the Lord lays on our hearts or that is bothering us. And do you know what – the Lord hears the prayers of His people.
It is such a privilege to be able to come boldly before the throne of God in communal prayer. If you have never been to a Wednesday night prayer service, please join us. After we finish with prayer, we have a short Bible lesson. This month – fittingly – we are going to study Prayer. I think it will be challenging, and enhance our prayer lives and relationship with God even more. Then, we have a time of fellowship, which means (as Baptists) that we have food. So, come join us to worship the Lord God in prayer, learn more about prayer and have some Christian fellowship.
Our God is an awesome God! May He bless you this month!