“Never Changing!”

Our Maple Grove Homecoming is Sunday, September 15, 2024. It’s been 149 years since this little country Church was established, and we invite all to celebrate with us.  Preparing for Homecoming made me think about what had changed since 1875. Think about the Maple Grove Church family back then:

  • The children would not have had teddy bears
  • No one had air conditioning
  • No one had ever eaten Cornflakes
  • No one had ever done a crossword puzzle

Prices have changed a bit since 1875 too. It was hard to find valid price comparisons, but I found these prices from 1875:

  • A dozen eggs cost $0.30
  • A quart of milk cost a nickel
  • A pound of flour cost $0.08 – not even a dime

Things change over time, right? Well, one thing doesn’t ever change – and that’s God. He says in Malachi 3:6

“For I am the Lord, I do not change;”

So, what does this have to do with Homecoming? The reason we celebrate Homecoming is to reflect on what God has done in the life of this Church and its body. We want to look back and see how God has used us over the past year to bring glory to Himself. We want to see how he has moved in our lives. We want to praise Him for our blessings.

But one of the most important things we want to do is praise Him for His faithfulness. In a world where everything seems to change every day – let alone over 149 years – God is constant – God never changes. You know what that means?

  • His love for us never changes
  • His mercy towards us never changes
  • His Word never changes
  • He will never leave or forsake His children
  • God remains faithful

How amazing is that! We worship the same Lord that the first people ever to worship near these maple trees did. We worship the same God who created the universe. We worship the same God who planned for our salvation through Jeus Christ before the universe was created.

Homecoming is our opportunity to catch up with those brothers and sisters who have moved away, or who have been unable to attend for one reason or another and reconnect with our Church family. We’ll worship together, praise the Lord through music and song, reflect a little bit, and share a traditional “Dinner on the Grounds.”   

We hope to see you back at Maple Grove! Come back Home! If you do not have a Church home, this would be an awesome day to make one!  Sunday, September 15, 2024 – Sunday School at 10 A.M. –Homecoming Celebration starts at 11 A.M.

I hope to see you there.

Bro. Parks

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